🖥️Run on Ubuntu Desktop Environment


This guide advises an alternative for running CoinGet/CoinSend on a desktop environment using Ubuntu and Waydroid. Waydroid is a container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular GNU/Linux system like Ubuntu. Source: https://waydro.id/

This method has been thoroughly tested by CoinsDo. However, as it involves using open-source software, there may still be certain risks. Therefore, use it with caution and do not download the software from an unknown source.

System requirements

  • Ubuntu 20.04 or above

  • 2 GHz dual-core processor or above

  • Min 4GB memory or above (8GB recommended)

  • Min 128GB storage space

Setting up Waydroid

The following steps are summarized based on what is needed by CoinGet/CoinSend and to be run in the terminal. You may find the complete original guide in the link below.


  1. Install pre-requisites

sudo apt install curl ca-certificates -y
  1. Add official repo

curl https://repo.waydro.id | sudo bash
  1. Install Waydroid

sudo apt install waydroid -y
  1. Initialize Waydroid

sudo waydroid init -s GAPPS
  1. Start Waydroid container

sudo systemctl start waydroid-container
  1. On a new terminal, start the Waydroid session (without sudo)

waydroid session start
  1. Set Waydroid In Multi-Window Mode

waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.multi_windows true

Disable On-Screen Keyboard (Optional)

Waydroid displays the Android virtual keyboard when selecting an input field. To disable this and use only the physical keyboard, deactivate the following setting: Settings > System > Languages & input > Physical keyboard > Use on-screen keyboard

Google Play Certification

When launching Waydroid with (Google App Store) GAPPS for the first time you will be notified that the device is not certified for Google Play Protect. You can follow the instructions on screen to self-certify your device, or here's a shortcut:

  1. In terminal, run

sudo waydroid shell
  1. In waydroid shell, run

ANDROID_RUNTIME_ROOT=/apex/com.android.runtime ANDROID_DATA=/data ANDROID_TZDATA_ROOT=/apex/com.android.tzdata ANDROID_I18N_ROOT=/apex/com.android.i18n sqlite3 /data/data/com.google.android.gsf/databases/gservices.db "select * from main where name = \"android_id\";"
  1. Copy the android_id returned in your terminal as shown below

  2. Register the device on your Google Account by using the android_id at https://www.google.com/android/uncertified

  3. After registering, Google services will take a few minutes to reflect the changes, and then restart Waydroid by using commands below

waydroid session stop
waydroid session start

Last updated